You’re Going to Build or Rehab an Apartment Project
If you are planning a new multifamily development or intend to substantially rehabilitate an existing project, you should call us early in the process. Rockhall has construction experts who can save you time and money throughout the process. FHA has very detailed third party report requirements. If you are ordering a market study, soil borings […]
When Bigger Isn’t Better
Rockhall has competitors who do ten times the loan volume that we do. What makes Rockhall the right choice for you? Rockhall has competitive pricing. We sell our GNMA securities to the same Wall Street houses and for the same prices as our much larger competitors. Rockhall personnel have extensive experience with and excellent working […]
Mortgage Rates May Be Lower Than You Think
Looking solely at US Treasury Security yields to get an idea of commercial mortgage rates can be misleading. FHA commercial mortgages today are priced comparably to what they were last year at this time, and even to what they were in December 2011, despite varying Treasury yields. Today, FHA permanent and new construction mortgages are […]
When Does An FHA Apartment Loan Make the Most Sense?
If you are looking for an apartment loan, you aren’t alone. Over $130 billion of apartment loans will be originated this year. Major apartment finance options include: FNMA/FHLMC, insured depository institutions (banks, thrifts and credit unions), life insurance companies (and some pension funds), Wall Street conduits and FHA. Each of these programs has its own […]
Are You Considering Getting Involved with Senior Housing?
We frequently hear from multifamily developers who are thinking about getting into the assisted living market. They control a piece of land and the zoning works for either multifamily or assisted living. The pro forma rents for assisted living are much higher than multifamily so, on first blush, it appears that assisted living is the […]