When Bigger Isn’t Better

by admin

Rockhall has competitors who do ten times the loan volume that we do. What makes Rockhall the right choice for you? Rockhall has competitive pricing. We sell our GNMA securities to the same Wall Street houses and for the same prices as our much larger competitors. Rockhall personnel have extensive experience with and excellent working relationships with the different HUD field offices. Our mortgage servicing personnel will know you by name not by loan number. From a pricing, HUD expertise and customer service standpoint, Rockhall sets a very high standard.

Large lenders often compartmentalize the loan origination process. Your transaction may be passed from a lead generator to an originator to a deal sizer to a loan processor to an underwriter, to a closer and, ultimately, to a servicing department. From day to day you may not know where your loan is or who is working on it. That will never happen at Rockhall.

The first person from Rockhall to contact you is a business owner not someone who is reading from a script. With large lenders there often is a wide divergence between the “promise makers” who lure you in and the “promise keepers” who are charged with delivering a loan commitment. At Rockhall, the person who prepares the first loan proposal you see will be responsible for overseeing processing and handling the underwriting. That way, they only make promises that they can keep